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Image by Ashley West Edwards


I trained as a teaching assistant and an independent course instructor during my tenure as a PhD student at Syracuse University, through a teaching mentorship program and the Future Professional Program (FPP) offered by the Graduate School. I taught multiple survey courses as part of the university's compulsory Humanities Core curriculum with a Writing Intensive (WI) focus. I taught First Gen students, pre-med, pre-law undergrads, Engineering majors, Psychology majors, Media & Communications students, Lit majors amongst others, in my classrooms, where I tried to create an environment that would be inviting, accommodating, and conducive to discussions of a dynamic range of literary texts, theoretical frameworks, and contemporary issues. 


Instructor for ENG/WGS 192: Gender & Lit Texts 

Instructor for ENG 181: Race and Literary Texts

Instructor for ENG 182: Class and Literary Texts

Instructor for ENG 184: Ethnicity and Literary Texts

Teaching Assistant for ENG 146: Interpretation of New Media (Dr. Chris Hanson)

Teaching Assistant for ENG 121: Introduction to Shakespeare (Dr. Dympna Callaghan)

Writing intensive course listed under the humanities core curricula for undergraduate survey texts spanning the premodern-modern times.


WI humanities coursework for engineering, English, psychology and other majors covering premodern and contemporary issues relating to constructions of race.


Humanities and social science students introduced to primary and secondary texts relating the global constructions of class with modules on Marx, Shakespeare, Larsen, etc.



Diverse groups of students introduced to a WI course on interrogating intersectional, global, theoretical constructions of ethnicity with the help of close-reading assignments and classroom discussions.





Assisted Dr. Hanson with biweekly lectures for undergraduates in the English department, through conducting weekly discussion sections (recitations), grading exams, collecting assignments, film screenings, etc.





Assisted Dr. Callaghan with biweekly lectures for undergraduates in the English department, holding weekly discussions, grading exams, explicating concepts taught in class, assisting individual students in office hours, etc.







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